Expert Interview: The Two Levels of Leadership

Expert Interview: The Two Levels of Leadership

PETER: So, in terms of leadership, when did you first come across the idea of there being these two levels? DAVID: Well, the thing is when a lot of people talk about leadership, they talk about leadership skills, the tools and techniques, which NLP is brilliant for....

Basics of NLP

In order to understand filters, we need to dive into a little NLP. If you are not totally familiar with Neuro Linguistic Programming, here’s a little explanation. Neuro is simply the nervous system. (In NLP we do not separate the brain and the nervous system. The mind...

Determining your filters

To be able to understand how information is processed, you need to be able to tell how the person you are talking to builds up his or her representation of the world, and be able to communicate directly and effectively with it. This is why good salespeople talk to...

Understanding reality filters

There is a popular saying that the map is not the territory- and this is especially true when it comes to how we perceive the world. Our conscious processing of what’s happening around us is filtered by a number of different things, some of them conscious – others...

Finding noise and other people annoying

I had a message the other day, from one of my followers, saying they were finding everything at home annoying – noise, people, routines, everything.  It’s important to remember that we are in a very unusual context. Even in World War II, people could go to the shops,...